In Aviation, Travel



I am immensely proud of the efforts made by our team to ensure the best scientific principles are at the foundation of the comprehensive CleanCare+ program for personal safety and enhanced aircraft grooming. Air Canada has built this program to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and to provide our customers and employees with comfort and peace of mind throughout their entire travel experience.

— Lucie Guillemette, EVP & Chief Commercial Officer (Air Canada)

We haven’t been on a plane for quite some time. Well – that changed yesterday when we followed an invitation from Air Canada to experience first-hand their CleanCare+ program. “Ready For Takeoff” not only included special presentations from Air Canada executives and their travel partners – we also went on a journey on the newest member of their fleet, the Airbus A220.


“It is our responsibility as leaders, and as Canadians to do everything we can to keep our employees, our customers, and our communities safe as our industry and businesses resumes,” says Lucie Guillemette, EVP & Chief Commercial Officer.

So how was the experience, and did we feel safe? We did! We checked in online before the flight and upon arrival at the airport, wearing the mandatory face-mask/covering, we had to go through a quick infrared temperature-check. We are used to keeping distances in line-ups and the same will happen at the airports. Hand-sanitizers have been placed around the airport and we learned about the strict cleaning protocols that are in place.

The boarding process was fast and simple, minimizing contact and making sure that flyers follow physical distancing requirements. All AC employees wear face coverings and, when needed, gloves. In the presentations, we learned about how the planes get sanitized before the flight, including all high-touch areas, and that the HEPA filtration system guarantees for a hospital operation-room-like air quality, eliminating 99.9% of airborne particles.

Yes, you have to wear a face-covering during the flight, and Air Canada provides you with a little kit that contains hand-sanitizer, antiseptic wipes, gloves, a bottle of water and a facemask. Obviously, you can take it off when you get your in-flight meal, which again includes antiseptic wipes.

It is a new normal, but it was good to learn how the airports, airlines, and their travel partners, including hotels and car rental companies, take measures to reduce the risk of exposure and to provide us, the customers, and their employees with comfort and peace of mind throughout the travel experience.

For more information about Air Canada’s CleanCare+ Program, please click here.

#letsflyagain #flytheflag #timetotravel #aircanada #Canada #readyfortakeoff #travel

@ Vancouver International Airport

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