An Abundance Of Time. Being A Travel Enthusiast During COVID-19…

 In Travel

Thoughts from our travel consultant Julie Anna-Vogel


Now is not a great time to be a travel enthusiast. Hell, it’s not a great time to be much other than a recluse. But there is a silver lining… an abundance of time. Time to spend with family, time to finally clean out the “cupboard of shame” and time to daydream of where you’d like to go when this pandemic is behind us. 

So far I’ve spent most of this free time watching Netflix and obsessing on the news.  I intend to practice Spanish on Duolingo, join an online aerobics class,  work through the pile of books on my bedside table and write, write, write on my website.  So far my biggest adventure has been doing laundry and mopping the kitchen floor. Having a spotless floor is pleasing until I recollect that I was scheduled to explore Machu Picchu.  

Fortunately, amidst these mundane preoccupations, I find myself thinking about the great places I have visited and dreaming about wonderful places yet to be experienced.  Some of the places I have visited will take years to recover from the appalling effects of COVID-19.  Some of the places I dream of visiting will go thru extended closure to outside visitors.  How and where we travel will require a new level of preparation and research.  Whimsical travel planning may no longer be viable. 

Research is a big part of my personal trip planning and a big part of the service that I offer clients.  Trip planning includes bespoke passionate research into hotels, restaurants, things to do, places to see and where to shop.  

While it may seem insensitive to plan travel adventures whilst so much of the world is enduring a health crisis, there is a wonderful optimism in thinking about the good days that will come.   There will be a day when these circumstances are behind us.  And I’d love to hear what’s on your bucket list for when they do.

No obligation to book, now or ever. Though of course, I’d be thrilled to help make travel dreams come true. I am looking for content inspiration!

Let’s dream and scheme together. Contact me at [email protected] and let me know what’s on your list, look out for my posts on the iconic concierge blog and visit my website ( ) for more travel tips….

Stay safe.

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